Have you ever thought about going solar, but thought it would be too expensive? Let us break down the answers to your most concerning questions. We have heard the concerns of installation costs, panel costs, maintenance of the panels, time concerns, roof strength and more! You have the questions, we have the answers! Give us a quick call for information about what we can do for you!
When is the best time to call?
Right now is the best time to see if your home is in the right area to get solar panels which can save you money. It seems too good to be true, but we are ready to tell you how!
Erase Your Utility Bill
Going solar not only helps the environment but it erases your electric utility bill while going green. You will see hundreds of dollars of savings a year. In some cases, customers have reported that their summer bills have been cut in half!
Know Your Monthly Bill for Energy
When you go solar you have a low monthly payment guaranteed to never go up until you own your solar panels! This means you can budget your energy bill rather than having an unpredictable bill from your electric provider.
Become Your Own Utility Company
For as long as we have known utility companies have monopolized the market of electricity. Now you can produce your own power on your roof so that you don't have to buy from the utility companies anymore. No more rate increases and having no control of your utility rates.
Becoming independent with your power feels great and most customers can produce 100% of the power usage for their home with their solar system.
Its not a Trend, Its a Better Lifestyle
Majority of the people agree the world's air pollution is increasing and is unhealthy. The traditional power generation of coal and nuclear energy is a major contributor to the earth's air pollution. Solar energy would help reduce these emissions. It starts with us.
There's Plenty of Sun Energy To Go Around
Each DAY the earth receives enough sunlight to power the whole world's energy needs for the WHOLE YEAR! Can you imagine the power we have if all our neighbors went solar?
Changing the World, One Home at a Time
We are very proud that the state of California has officially made solar mandatory for newly built homes starting last January (2020). This is a tremendous feat for sunny state to know where energy production is headed. We want to show Texans that this is a no-brainer decision right now. There are Texas homeowners that are getting paid to go solar! You should be one of them, too!